arachnoid cysts and ADHD | ADHD Information

what is an arachnoid cyst?

My 10-year-old daughter has two lesions in her temporal lobes (likely caused by an in utero blood supply loss), and she has a working diagnosis of bipolar disorder.  Her neurologist believes these lesions are linked to her mood instability, but her psychiatrist is not convinced.  In any event, the treatment would be the same -- mood stabilizers.


My son is 7 and has arachnoid cysts in his temporal lobes. THey were discovered when he was a baby because of an unrelated accident (bad bonk on the face) and he got a catscan to rule out a concussion.

Now he is diagnosed with ADHD and is getting tested for learning disabilities. He has problems with writing and math but his speech is good and his reading is so-so. I always wondered about a relationship between the two things...Does anynoe have similar experiences or any information? 
