Wellbutrin and Concerta | ADHD Information


I've heard of people taking this combination and most people seem to like it. Wellbutrin actually is a stimulant anti-depressant, and not only helps with depression, but also helps with ADHD as well (although not as much as stimulants). It is an anti-depressant, but happens to have stimulant affects. It works very well for smoking too, so I wish him luck, both my husband and I quit smoking using this. Anyway, it seems to be a common combination. It seems that if people with AD/HD don't treat their depression, then their focus doesn't improve as much as it could.

Has your husband ever taken ADHD meds before? 54mg is a high starting dose, unless of course he has been on them before, or on another stimulant med before. It's not alarmingly high, but most doctors like to start low (18mg) and work their way up.

Good luck to him. I hope he finds relief with these meds

My husband takes 300 mg of Wellbutrin for smoking cessation and mild depression.  His dr has also prescribed 54 mg of Concerta for ADHD.  I am concerned about how these two drugs may interact with each other.  Is one a stimulant (Concerta) and one an anti-depressant (Wellbutrin)?  It doesn't seem right to me, but the dr just pooh-poohs my concerns. 

Can anyone comment?  Thanks

It's a popular combination, and seems to be getting more common. I'm on both; it's an excellent combo for me. Here is my experience:

Wellbutrin alone doesn't do much for ADD. It works similarly to Ritalin, but is much milder and longer-lasting (36+ hours rather than 4-8 for Ritalin). You may very well feel better, it'll be easy to quit smoking if you do, etc., but it's only marginally effective for improving focus.

Ritalin works great for me, except for one problem. It works REALLY well at first, then levels off a bit, then I crash. If I'm ready to sleep that's great, but it sucks if I still need to work.

Together, when you take a Ritalin (or Adderall, Concerta, etc.), it has to "fight" the Wellbutrin for access to your neurotransmitters, not as much of it gets through, and so you it doesn't provide the same overstimulating effect. And since the Wellbutrin acts as a constant mild stimulant, the crash from the Ritalin wearing off is pretty much eliminated.

Hmm.. It just occurred to me that one pill containing a mixture of both drugs would be a great ADD med. Since the Wellbutrin blocks most of the "buzz" and helps prevent crashes (and the subsequent cravings to take more), it could potentially be more effective, less abusable, and maaaaybe even Sch III! That would be nice. :)ummagumma38874.7533680556I am on the 2 also.  I was prescribed it to counter some of the sexual side effects that i was having from the Concerta.  I originally though that the dr was nuts and saw no reason why this would work, but in no time i had my sex drive back.  Amazing!

My son just started Wellbutrin 75mg with 10mg Focalin xr.  I have seen more positve things with the Wellbutrin than any stimulant.  We are now up to 150 mg Wellbutrin, as we definitely need to increase, but I see so many more positive things without the negative side effects.