Adderall cost | ADHD Information


tex crone

The prices for these drugs also are very different at every pharmacy so there are probably much cheaper options in your state. I'm on Adderall XR and found a more that 0 price difference by shopping around at all the pharmacies within a 15 minute drive to my home.

My original pharmacy (chosen because it was the closest only 2 minutes down the street) was charging me over 0 for 30 pills of Adderall XR 20mg. I found another pharmacy in the opposite direction (this one only 5 minutes from my house) That charges me 0 for the same exact prescription. So with a bit of shopping around and a 3 minute longer drive I'm saving 0 a month, which obviously is a huge difference.

I know at my current pharmacy 30 pills at 20mg of the regular adderall is

The price you're getting definately seems high so I'd try shopping around, Hope this helps.


Would you be willing to share the names of the pharmacies, if they are
national chains?I have just started taking D-Amphetamine Salt 5mg, the generic
for Adderall 5mg. It cost 9.69 for 180 tablets. What have
others paid and where did you have the prescription filled? I'm
in Texas. I realize that the cost will be different in other parts of
the country, but I would appreciate any response so I can get a
general feel for the best place to purchase the next
prescription. Thanks.

Actually both the highest priced pharmacy and the lowest priced one were both Rite Aids which I found strange. I guess they each have some say as to their individual pricing or discounts they can give. The mid range ones were cvs a few mom & pop pharmacies and a few supermarket phamacies.

The (cheapest Rite Aid) one that I now use gave me the amazing price because I told them I didn't have insurance. I noticed while shopping around that some offered additional discounts when I asked specifically for special prices because I was uninsured. If I didn't ask each if they had any special discounts or offers I would not have gotten the deal. I always asked firstn for their price for the Adderall they were all about the same high price, but when I then specifically asked about a discount I got a lot of variety and found the pharmacy I'm at now.

It's not an advertised thing so you have to ask, and like I said every pharmasist is different. The first Rite Aid (the most expensive one) either really doesn't give discounts or the guy I talked to didn't think I deserved one.

Anyway Good luck

I have found two pharmacies that charge me 85.00 for 30/30 mg pills of the XR.  DonnaLOL I miss insurance that co-pay was sweeeeeeeeet.


I have Humana POS. Humana is a pain in the arse. I should be taking Vicadin for all the pain they cause me...and my pocket book. [QUOTE=MafiaKiddo]LOL I miss insurance that co-pay was sweeeeeeeeet. [/QUOTE]

Are you taking Adderall XR or just plain generic Adderall?
per 30 pills, insurance covered of course.. the funny thing is that the top-of-the-line insurance at MY work doesn't cover it, but the crappy insurance at my wife's work DOES. I take Adderall XR.
Hemmie38490.7680902778 [QUOTE=MafiaKiddo]LOL I miss insurance that co-pay was sweeeeeeeeet. [/QUOTE]

For you, it "was."

For me, it "is."

I'm really fortunate to have my mom's insurance cover me.

60 20mg XR for .
I pay a dollar copay, thank god.[QUOTE=MafiaKiddo]

Actually both the highest priced pharmacy and the lowest priced one were both Rite Aids which I found strange.

The (cheapest Rite Aid) one that I now use gave me the amazing price because I told them I didn't have insurance. I noticed while shopping around that some offered additional discounts when I asked specifically for special prices because I was uninsured. [/QUOTE]

Wow, almost makes you think that they are just 'super-inflating' the prices when an insurance company is involved..

well, im pretty time a while back, only a few months, but I had to pick up my friends's 30mg adderall (60 total) and the price came to 55ish. I thought that that was a lot. Than i realized generic works many times better and im going to stick with those. Even if it's the same drug, check into the slight, or massive, differences. the FDA has been doing a PITIFUL job. lol, but sorry..just my 4,752 cents. My Adderall XR cost me for 15, 30 or 60 capsules. Thank God for insurance! shock38484.2460763889