Abilify & Strattera | ADHD Information


My 13 yr old sons medications were recently changed. Previously, he was taking Strattera, Risperdal and Lithium in the mornings and then Benedryl prior to bedtime. This combination worked fairly well but not without difficulties.

Last week his meds were changed to Abilify in the morning and Strattera at dinner (6:00 pm) time. I realize it can take up to 30 days after a med change before you see the full effect(s) whether they be good or bad. However, its only been a week and we are seeing them, and they are not what we'd hoped for.

My question is; are there any other parents currently using this combination of meds for their children and what effects have you seen? Additionally, is it a common practice for doctors to switch an AM med to a PM med or is this something new or something they do with Abilify?

Thanks in advance
