Life with Jon | ADHD Information


How great!!!  That is so wonderful for you guys!!

And I know how you feel about saying regretful things.  Lately my patience has been at an all time low but luckily my DD is a very forgiving little girl.

She also does the repetitive thing.  Her biggest one is telling us "I love you".  Yes it is great to hear but it is constant.  I'm talking like 20 times an hour (no exageration).  We actually kept count one day.  I've told her so many times that we know that she loves us and she doesn't have to tell us so much.  Her answer is I know mommy but I can't help it.  And when she goes to the bathroom she has to say "I love you" and wants to hold a conversation (it doesn't matter if you're on the other side of the house).  And if you don't answer her she'll just keep repeating it over and over until you do or blow a gaskit!!

I am so happy you guys found someone close to home and don't have to drive so far now!!  What a relief for you.  It sounds like she is a great doctor!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!! 

YESS YESS YESSssss! The psychiatrist said she will take Jon as a patient!!! We have to go to a gastroenterologist and have his liver tested and have a new ekg this week. She wants to make sure his heart and liver are OK!!! i am so glad for all of us and she takes our insurance!!!!

As to Jenna the puppy (2 lbs full grown at 6 mos). I decided that I can watch them closer and carry them around more. Jon has reading detail where he sits on the floor on a big pillow and reads to them and sings to them. I am going to start puppy training classes with the children and assign them all a puppy. Anyone want to adopt a gorgeous 6 month old male chi? He is 5 lbs and I don't want to breed. Actually, he is too large to play with the girls. I think that the puppy training at Petsmart will be good for both the dogs and the children. I know the trainer and she is wonderful.

For some reason Jon is eating enormous amounts of food and always seems hungry. He isn't fat or chubby- perhaps he is going through a growth spurt.

thanks everyone for always making me feel comfortable while I vent!!!


Wonderful news! So glad the dr is going to take your son. Sounds like a big
load has been lifted from your shoulders.

Get a good night's sleep tonite!

I love the things Jon talks about! He is too funny! I too like to listen to soem of the things they come up with...Its amazing how many different things they have going on in their heads at the same time! LOl. 

I love the homeschooling in uniforms..I thik it would make life easier to just put on the same thing each day and not worry about it. ALso for school outings I think that is great. So heres another question..sorry...How would you go about incorporating  that for a 7,10 and 11 year old who have never had to wear uniforms at homeschool before? Did you start that from the beginning? How did you tell the kids about it? ALso when do they change into " regular " clothes...or do thye stay in that all day even after school?

Sorry to be so painful with all these questions.I am just amazed by you and how you manage all these different things! Thanks again

Dear Karen, if your children have not had uniforms before, just sit them down and start a discussion. I gave my children the choice of two colors for shirts and also shorts (skorts for my daughter). I take attendance in the morning just like regular school and we do the pledge and pray and then I check for preparedness: their work packets on their desks, pencils, correct dress. They do change to regular clothing after school (their school clothes can be worn more than one day). They all wear navy socks and have 'school' shoes also.

After school, they put their packets away, clean their desks off, and sweep under their chairs, and take in the homeschooling sign that hangs on the outside of our front door. Hope this helps.


I really hate to hear that. Extra prayers tonight for the people who serve our country and keep us safe...

Thank you. I have no idea how I can be an inspiriation but it is really nice to hear.

We are in mourning today for a fellow police officer who was shot in the face and killed this morning in Fort Myers. You can be sure that my husband received an extra dose of hugs and prayers before he went on duty at noon. He works until 3 or 4 tomorrow morning. jon is not handling this very well and the rest of us are regrouping. Please pray for this young police officer's family. He left a wife with three babies.

oh Randyjim, I am sorry for your loss and that POOR family..........I lost my first husband young and it is not easy...........................

Great Idea about the puppy training class! My adhd son had a problem with being mean toward our dogs as well. He actually had the Humane society called on him for kicking at our dog in our front yard. He was 8 at the time. Even after that little scare he still had problems. Our idea was to volunteer at the Humane society so that he could help take care of the animals who don't have loving homes and give him some responsibility.

I also wanted to tell you that you are an inspiration to me and that your family is in our prayer. Thanks.

                   So glad for you and Jon and your whole family!! Yay!!


That is an AWESOME idea for the puppy training class!  That can only benefit, so great to hear all this goodness from you!!        

FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!! That is so great she will take him on! Also great idea about puppy training. I think that s great for the kids! I was told my DD started concerta and lexapro she would stop eating..She hasnt..SHe eats soooooo much..Way more now than before meds! ( which is a good thing because she was too skinny before!) I am so excited for you all! It is such good news!!!

Have a restful night tonight, YOU DESERVE IT!!

When it rains, it really pours, doesn't it?  You deserve to feel great for handling all of that with such grace :)

Thought I 'd start this thread and see if we can post our days of t&t with our adhd children

Today was a doozy. My daughter is 7 y/o today but her party won't be for a few more weeks until Chuckie cheese opens. She wants a party there. My husband went on duty at 3pm. At 4pm we all heard a really weird noise from my bedroom during a storm. Well the sliding glass door from my bedroom to the porch shattered into thousands of smithereens. No one had touched it- it was probably defective glass and the storm activated its destruction. I had no one to help me with this so I took brown paper (we have a huge roll for packing and I taped it over the glass that was still hanging in the door frame. As I was doing this glass was falling down on me. This is supposed to be safety glass but some of those shards were knives 6-8" long. So I got a bit cut but at least the door is sort of sealed until tomorrow.

Then at 5:30 Jon comes running in to me to tell me he dropped our 2 lb chihuahua. She just turned 6 mo's old. Her tongue was hanging out and purple, her eyes were slits, she was limp and not breathing. Jon was hysterical crying and screaming that he didn't mean to kill her. By this time the 7&9 year old were screaming and crying. So- I used mouth to mouth and puffed gently and pressed her side gently to help start her heart. (My being a paramedic came in handy). When she finally started breathing she had a grand mal seizure and was rigid like a board so I wrapped her warmly and put nutrical on her tongue, called my vet who was closed but the message gave me the # of an emergency vet clinic. We rushed over there in the storm after calling them. Poor Jenna. They xrayed her, stuck her in an incubator because her temp was 96 and took blood tests, gave her a pain killer and did some other stuff to the tune of almost 0. We took her home and she can't walk and I have to keep her quiet and warm and hand feed her for several days except that Tuesday I have to drive to Miami for Jon's appointment. Jon told me he had her over his head and accidently let her go. He is not supposed to touch the dogs without me there and he is absolutely not supposed to take any in his room without me there. But he was so upset I couldn't yell at him- just told him if he breaks the rules, not only he has consequenses.

Then- I went to the bathroom to see about making a warm place for Jenna and the light blew out. The ceiling is 12' high and there is no way I can change the bulb. Plus- Jon went on my computer without permission and went on ebay and bid 00 for a fishing lure. I emailed the seller and also retracted his bid.

I have to tell you, I didn't crack under pressure. If Jenna makes it, all will be well. Jon learned a great lesson. He kept saying 'I didn't mean to, it wasn't my fault.' I told him he needed to say he was sorry and accept responsibility which he eventually did. So tomorrow I have to cancel Jon's appointment with the psychologist because it is also Tuesday and get the glass door fixed and make sure Jenna is OK and get the lightbulb changed and make sure the ebay bid got cancelled. Couldn't be less bored!

Y'all take care. have to go to the dog.


WOW!!  You are my hero!!  I think (no I know) I would have cracked under all that pressure!  How do you do it??  You are one amazing lady!!  oh Randy, HOW in the world do you get through your days! I ageww with pp , my hat is off to you..................

I can either laugh or cry about everything or get angry or accept it. With the grace of God (I am not prosetylizing) I laugh and accept. And I thank Him everyday for my life and the purpose He gave me in my life- to make a difference in the life of my children.

Ahh- was up all night with poor Jenna throwing up all over me time and time again. She still can't stand up without falling over and she won't eat. She whimpered all night. Will bring her to the vet as soon as the glass people get here to fix the glass in the sliding door.

Jon kept appologizing to her and she licked him on his hands and face with her poor little parched tongue. This has really taught him a lesson about obedience? I put the ? there because this morning against rules he rode his sister's plasma bike through the house and kept banging into walls. Last count: four holes in four walls in different rooms.

They are sitting down doing school work with my husband supervising while I clean jelly off the floors, counters and appliances and make them eggs. I don't have milk or bread so eggs and bacon it is.

Tomorrow is Miami. I am trying to keep a good attitude about the drive with the three children. Fill you all in later. But- it seems to me that Jon is doing so well; just testing limits and being a normal little 8 y/o boy. He is my smoosh and I adore him!!!


Randy, all I can say is that I'm sending mega hugs to you Your a great mom! Please know that we are always here to listen and lean on through cyberspace. Hang in there!Okay i think you are amazing!! I only have 3 children ..and I thought iad alot going on, but my goodness..i could not handle what you do so well..The concerta helps me to homeschool my kids and get through about 4 or 5 pm then my kids say.." well i think moms meds have worn of." Your resolve is inspiring , your family is truly blessed to have you!!!

Jon's interest in school has come to a sudden, screeching halt! He sits in his seat and can't concentrate on doing ANYTHING but stare into space and complain about why he is going to school in the summer (yes, I am homeschooling all through summer 6 days a week from 9am to noon. I am having a blast!

It is as if the meds aren't working except he is not hyper and so polite. I think I will expand art to the afternoons and let them invite one friend each to do an art project with them based on them working in the morning.

Today is a lazy lazy day. Maybe it is just the weather.

Thanks, Luvmykids02.

I took Jenna to our vet this morning. She has a severe concussion and some neck damage and the doc thinks she may have lost some of her sight but still may get it back. The vet had her in a teeny tiny incubator and told me he had fed her and she had not thrown it up. He told me this after he handed her to me and she had just thrown up all down my front, poor thing. So it is quiet time a lots of meds for her. The vet also had a heart-to-heart with Jon with the result that Jon invited him to move into our home and share his bunk bed. It was so cute and Jon has been trying to be much quieter so as not to upset Jenna but he went a little nuts when the thunder storm came.

My daughter came screaming and crying home after flying off a friend's swing and landing on the back of her head. She kept complaining of a headache on her forhead and kept falling asleep. I was worried about coup-contra-coup (which is where the brain hits the opposite side of the skull in a severe blow) and we all had quite a time keeping her awake. However, she is pretty much OK now. My husband called me up right in the middle of all this as he was involved in an accident while on duty. He is OK but i am sure he is quite upset.

Quiet night. Got everyone asleep by 9:30pm and held Jenna and did laundry and ate icecream. Tomorrow is Miami.Please Please pray for our safety.



You are definitely in our prayers.  Please drive safely. 

I hope the doctor visit goes well for Jon's sake as well as yours.  I do hope they will write out scripts ahead of time for you.

You are a strong woman and a wonderful mom!!  I just wish I could handle all that you do with such grace!!

 Wow....that's all I can are one capable lady!  I hope the docs visit is productive the scrpits issue works out for you.  Take care.

erghghghgh! Got lost again in Miami. Thank goodness my husband hadn't left for work yet and talked me through it with three children pointing out the windows of the car at all the 'strange' people and the way they dressed!

It was a different psychiatrist who saw Jon and she checked and said that they will not write scrips in advance or mail them out. Especially with what jon went through just a few months ago, they want to be right on top of things (which is good).

I parked in the 8 story parking garage by the hospital and then could not find my car after Jon's appointment. We searched in the 96 degree weather for over an hour and then had to go down to have the cashier call security because i left my cell phone in the car and couldn't call anyone! Boy- was I wrong where the car was parked; I told security level 5-7 but it turned out the car was on level 3. It was uneventful going home if you call three children screetching uneventful. I am soooo glad I am home.

jenna is eating a little better. It will be a long time before she is well but I am thinking she will make it. She was such a little darling, I hope her personality doesn't change. My husband took care of her when I was away so she was only alone for a few hours. I do feel a bit ragged. I hope my husband lets me sleep a little in the morning since I have been up for two nights in a row with children and a little dog.

Thank you for all your prayers!! I want to share with you that we stopped at Cracker Barrel for some comfort food on the way home. There was a really pretty, young lady being trained by our waitress. She smiled at Jon and he smiled back and then looked at her and told her he already had a girlfriend! I just about split my sides laughing!


Thanks again everyone. I am sure you have all read about our Fort Myer's police officer.

We all went to a real cat show today- even dh went. The children all had their clipboards and printouts and brochures as this was a homeschool field trip. They were in their uniforms (yes, we homeschool with uniforms). Jon had 50 people in stitches as he told a siamese owner that he loved the cat because it looked like a chihuahua. He did find out that he cold own a siberian cat (never heard of them before) because they don't have the enzyme in their saliva that people who are allergic to cats suffer from.

I was proud of them. They interviewed cat owners, were polite, picked their favorite breed and wrote their report back at home. There is another thread where someone discussed triangular pencils so I had purchased some ticonderoga soft touch triangle pencils and jon's handwriting was absolutely beautiful for the first time in his life.

Jon's behavior is still really good. I don't give him his 5mg afternoon dose of focalin most days. And i put down the law today about yelling. His behavior is actually so good that his 9 y/o brother and he decided they are sharing a room together!!!!! So far, so good.


I'm so sorry to hear about the police officer.  I know how hard that must be on your family when something like that happens. 

I still cringe everytime I hear of another soldier being killed in Iraq and he's been home for 2 years.  My hubby is a Navy Cop.  It's not so dangerous here but I don't look forward to the day he retires from this and joins a police force.

Sounds like Jon is doing fantastic!!  It sounds like your kids had a great time and did a great job at the cat show.  What an original idea!!  Good for you!!  It says a lot about you that you have so many children and they are all well behaved and intelligent!!  You're a great mom!! 

Today was a doozie. I found out that Jon really loves his 7 y/o sister when she disappeared in our neighborhood this afternoon. A lot of our neighbors went out on foot, bike and car looking for her and I had to have dispatch call my dh to call home.  I called the sheriff's office, too, but much to my relief, a neighbor found my daughter behind a hill where she was not supposed to be....Jon was out there knocking on doors and crying that he was so upset she was lost because he loved her. My daughter told me she was hiding from her friend because her friend was screaming and it upset her!!!

Otherwise, everything is good. Jon wanted to do school work today but I would not let him. He is really looking forward to tomorrow and school and more immediately to eating again.

Well, we are going away to visit with grandma and grandpa at their timeshare tomorrow and coming home on Thursday night. We didn't think we could go because money is so tight- we owe thousands on Jon's medical bills. As a matter of fact i had to cancel some doctor appointments for me because of this.

We had to make appointments for more specialists with Jon- a gastroenterologist for his liver and tests on his heart. When does it end?

jon is still doing well. I skip his afternoon meds about 50% of the time.

Another deputy was shot and killed this morning. I am getting afraid for my husband and i tell not to take chances. He works several very rural counties and there is no backup a lot of the time within 40 minutes or more.

Everything is going well. I wish I could get social security to pay for fome of Jon's bills but they don't do retroactive payments and they don't feel they need to help pay for medical attention for him.

Sorry to complain. Will be back Friday/


I'm so sorry to hear about all the medical bills.  Have you thought of applying for disability for him?  I don't think it will help with past bills but it would definitely help for future ones.  It woud also help with the money issues.  I would think that with all the problems he's had he would easily qualify.

Good luck with your trip and I hope you have lots of fun!!  You deserve it!!

Just as a point of information to parents or anyone considering filing for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for themselves or their child, the followiing criteria must be met:

1: The household income must be below a certain monthly income. For example, if your combined yearly income is ,000 but the government says you can't make over ,000.00 per year, you would be disqualified. 

2: The disability must be so imparing that the individual is not capable of functioning on any level within a normal capacity.

If both criteria's are not met, the person will not be eligible to recieve SSI benefits regardless of the fact that their medical bills are high or the fact that the child is struggling to some degree with his or her disability. Just because one has a disability or is struggling financially doesn't automatically qualify them to be awarded SSI. Again, both criteria's must be met. To verify this, call your local Social Security Disability office. Sorry for getting off topic but this is very important information and its critical to have the right information.

Randy, I truly hope that you and your family enjoy your trip. You guys sure deserve it!

Luvmykids0239651.8709490741That is so sweet!!  I'm glad you found her and she was alright!!

We are home sweet home. Grandma told me today that she will have to rest a week to catch up feeling 'normal' again. The children were great and we combined homeschooling lessons (ie seaturtles and the aquatic ecosystem) with fun.

On the way home, Jon talked NONSTOP!!! Nothing could stop him. It was so incredible it was funny. I learned that 'tarnish' is a hot sauce they use in India, fire ants are responsible for forest fires, you can see the sunset and the moon at the same time on opposite sides of the sky, 'turnkey' is the same as turkey only larger, and if you like two girls the one who can punch harder is the best one. There are more but these I found the funniest. I think we all would make a fortune if we put these in a book.

Jon is starting to get agressive in the afternoons again- he is not starting things exactly, but can not take a breath and step back when his feelings are hurt. It may be bacause I am not giving him his afternoon 5mg of quick acting focalin. He is also starting to get fairly inattentive while doing his schoolwork in the morning.

As far as uniforms for homeschooling- the children know that they are in 'school' when the uniform is on. Plus, I take attendance and check to see that dress code is met. it is only a deep red polo shirt and navy or khaki shorts for the boys and red polo plus plaid skirt or khaki skort or plaid jumper for my daughter. I had initials of our homeschool embroidered on the shirts. We also wear the uniforms for our field trips. It is easy for them to get dressed because they don't have to choose, and as I said, they know it is school when they are in uniform.  Plus, I made a sign for the front door that states 'School in Session - Please do not Disturb'. This way friends don't bother them.


I am so glad you found your daughter! How scary!! Glad it all turned out okay!

We live in FL and have heard the stories about our police officers that have been killed recently! It is absoutely horrible...Our prayers go out to you all..When my kids pray at meal times and at bed times they also add this to the end of their prayer

"God bless America,God please bless our government with wisdom and understanding, bless our police officers,firefighters and their families and keep them safe, and god please bless all our military and their families...keep them in your care and we thank you for all these people who strive to make our world a better place!"

My kids have ben saying that for as long as they could talk. Our hearts do go out to all of you! 

I do have a question for you..I saw you said you wear uniforms..i have always thought i would like my kids to wear uniforms..even though we homeschool. I am curious to know why you did it and what you chose .Thanks alot!

Thank you all! I do admit that there is one thing that absolutely DRIVES me up the wall- and that is Jon repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again. He can keep it up for hours! I thought his batteries would wear down eventually but I think our adhd children have batteries that are automatically recharged. Today it was: I'm hungry (a million times) and 'I want to go out and play' while it was raining all day.

I finally said to him next time he said either one he was grounded until tomorrow. NOT to say ONE WORD about it. So he kept saying : 'you know what I am not supposed to say?' I started laughing and laughing. Sometimes he is so funny!!!

Jon is doing well in his school work. We go to a psychiatrist tomorrow only half an hour away- the one we have been trying to get to treat Jon. She wants his hx from the time he was born and I am just about fed up with all these doctors. But- I will make copies of what i have and bring it. If no one accepts jon as a patient I am going to try to get my husband to drive next month.

I hope it all goes well with the new Doctor!!!! I knwo what you mean about saying it over and over..My daughter is relentless...People who dont have a child like this think I am making it up when i say she can go on and on for hours on end asking for something! They dont beleive me! Her favorite word is PLEASE..please,please,please,please...etc etc etc etc etc over and over and over again..She knows I wont give in,,...but it doesnt stop her..She will say if you jsut let me I will stop saying please.AAAGGGGHHHHHHH. Anyway,let us know how the appointment goes! Good luck!!

The repetition is at our home, too!! ha ha ha

Some times the word "MOM" feels more like the butcher-knife sound off of a horror movie!! ha ha So, I start repeating "Tristen, Tristen, Tristen, Tristen" and he loathes it.  But you know our ADHDers, they 'bounce back' quick and in no time flat, he's got it down again!!

WOW! You've had a lot going on and your reactions to it all is that to be admired!  I am working very, very hard to teach myself the patience you are showing!! 
You're my HERO!! ha ha ha  Seriously, good's nice going to bed without the regret of our own actions, isn't it?!

Glad to hear that it's going smoother for guys sure deserve it!

YAY FOR JON!!!!!!!!!!!You're've got to get the pets out of the house. I can't blame you
for saying what you did...I can only imagine how scared and upset you were.
We all say things we regret, but the key is apologizing, just like you did. I
hope and pray your son gets the help he needs. Good luck with the new

Last night Jon picked up Jenna (the 2 lb chi he dropped last week and whom I performed cpr on) and ran through the house. Unfortunately, he dropped her on the tile floor and she was screaming and whimpering. I was sooooooooooooooooo very upset that I probably said the unthinkable. I told Jon if he EVER picked her up again without permission he was OUT! I would not live in a house where a child's disobedience endangers the life of a helpless animal. I called my dh right after because I was shaking and trying to see if Jenna was seriously injured (she is not). DH read me the riot act and told me how much I damaged Jon by saying what I said. I am afraid I told dh I didn't want to hear anymore and hung up and then went to Jon. I told him I would love him forever and ever and it hurt me so much that I told him what I did. He told me he knew I loved him and knew that I was angry!!!! I also told him he would always live here no matter what but that we would have to find new homes for the dogs. DH said I should have spanked him but now I know why I don't spank- I was so angry that I would have spanked him harder than I would have wanted.

Today we went to see the psychiatrist up here to see if she will take on Jon. We like her. She is very careful and thorough and wants new labs and an ekg. She believes in the least med that will do the job. So, we ran around all day trying to pick up and deliver records to everyone.

Randy, I cringed when you said he had the dog again!! I wonder what it is with these boys and the animals!! :) Glad to hear it turned out okay.

I realize that you feel guilty about what you said and can say this with honesty=I know exactly what you are going through. I have said and done so many WRONG things to our ds that it makes me feel like the worst mom ever some times. I can even have a hard time falling asleep if the thoughts enter my mind about my wrongdoings.  However, cling to the fact that our ds's are so forgiving and that he said he knows you better than angry words.  "moms can throw tantrums some times, too" is often what I tell our boy!!

Jon knows you love him... I don't, however, have any advice for your pups but something's gotta give, right?!  Hang in there...You're doing great!  So glad to hear the update on the dr!!

It sounds very positive with the new Doctor! That is great news! Hopefully it will all work out...Listen unlike what your hubby said you didnt damage Jon!! You went to him and apologized..Its life..we say things we dont always mean but as long as we are able to know we said it and apologize for it then you ahve taught your son a valuable lesson.Yes that mom makes mistakes too, and she asks for forgivesness. What greater lesson than to hear your mom say sorry when she makes a mistake. We have all been there..i have said things that when i think about it can bring me to my knees in tears..but you know DD knows I love get it..They understand when we apologize , they get that we are human too!!..Dont be so hard on yourself! Its sometimes easy for our hubbies, who are not home all day dealing with these daily situations, to say we overreacted...but its always easy to say that when you are not the one dealing with it. i still think you are an amazing mom!Keep us posted with the new doctor!

I am so proud of Jon!!! He had an accident and wet his bed during the night. He came to me this morning and told me and without my asking he stripped his sheets and took his clothes and put them all in the laundry room. He also took the spray that gets rid of doggie peepee odors and sprayed his mattress. But that is not why I am proud of him.

His 9 y/o brother went outside with Jon to play with their friends and the brother told the friends (they were the girl friends) that Jon peepeed in his bed. Jon came to me without screaming or pounding his brother into the dirt and told me. So, Jon got a webkin for being so good and brother did not!!!

Good for your Jon!  These steps he's taken are wonderful.  My DS has had some positives lately, too.  I can breathe a little sigh of relief.  He is getting older, too, so he has to step up to the plate more now.   Enjoy your weekend with your family.  Kudos to you for your homeschooling routine!!!  Where do you get all this energy???

That is great for Jon!!  It sounds like he is really making a lot of positive improvments!!  You must be so proud!!

Emily is 9 and she also still has accidents at night sometimes.  She gets embarrased but she is getting better about it and has begun stripping her own bed and such lately too.  It's great to see them make such an effort and growing up!!