ADD and | ADHD Information


I have heard, read and been told numerous times of the huge benefits of meditation  for ADD,   I can appreciate the soothing effect it may well have, am sure I could do with the occasional moment of internal tranquillity, at least I’d like to try it!

 My only problem is how?  For me its completely impossible to relax and think of nothing, as you are supposed to, just as its impossible to focus totally on my breathing. All that happens is the billion thought fragments all occurring at once get in the way.

  For me It’s like trying to relax in the middle of the freeway!   So how is this done? Anyone got any methods/tips that work for them??

Here's a tip, as I have the same problem....

It's easiest to do immediately after expending alot of energy (working out,
dancing, etc.), or if very tired (so your mind may not be so charged up),
like maybe first thing after waking up. I find it best done after exertion,
cause you have those exhilerating dopamines in action, as well.....

Good luck, as meditation IS very helpful, AND is very difficult for those of
us most needing to do it.....

Meditation is very helpful for many.

I don't believe meditation is really about stopping your thoughts. That may be almost impossible if you are awake. Trying to put a lid on your mind and think about nothing may just frustrate you.

Meditation maybe can be described more as stepping back from your thoughts and just letting them flow without getting attached to them. Thoughts rise naturally and you just watch them rise and float away without having to evaluate them as they come and go.

In daily life we usually try to grab ahold of every thought that springs up and we discriminate, evaluate, judge, get emotionally involved, and feel we have to have an opinion or make a decision on every one of them. For those of us with ADD (who seem to have more of thoughts arising than most), this can be a real problem!

So you may want to check out this a book: "Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Also there is a great CD called: "Just Being:Natural Meditation" by Dean Sluyter. I have not actually heard the CD, but have been in some meditation sessions he has led and I think you will find his a very straight forward and no-nonsense approach. 



Since I am just ADD, I sometimes forget about those of us with the "H" (ADHD). There are also several types of walking meditation or standing meditation involving movement that may be very helpful if sitting in one place is too dificult. 

Qi-Gong and Tai-Chi,  while maybe not exaclty meditation in the purest sense, certainly can give you many of the benifits of meditation.

So can Yoga. But not the high-stress, do-it-quick, squeeze it in between the other 14 errands type of Yoga many people attend.    


I have found meditation so helpfull .. but just sitting and breathing ummm just dose not work my mind wanders .. !!

But I use guided meditations .. thats when some one talkes /takes you through it .. stops the mind wandering as it gives it something to do ..

It works for me ..
