Desoxyn | ADHD Information

Why desoxyn instead of dexedrine.

My understanding is that desoxyn is more expensive, more addictive, harder
for doctors for justify prescribing and thus doctors are reluctant to prescribe
it. Is there any research that suggests desoxyn is superior to dexedrine?

You sound like a law student.

Apparently nothing is "better" then the other thing. It is an individual thing. Ask your Dr to try it and see how "you feel".

Unfortunately $ is the factor and in the end determines what treatment you get. I tried it for a short time and honestly never plan on touching the sh*t again in my life!

As far as the "research"  just read this thread.  Alot of "research" by companies is tainted on their behalf of whatever drug their selling at the time= corporate greed.

Check out what discussion boards offer and make the decision for yourself. Keep in mind there is also alot of bad 411 out there  from stupid, greedy drug users who have nothing to do with ADD sufferers.

Dex and meth are the same accept meth stays in the brain longer.

As far as the "medicine aspect" goes; does it actually help you or does it simply help you "fit in" with other people better?

As far as I am concerned I am intense and refuse to medicate myself simply for others comfort.

I am simply moving to a place where intensity is appreciated, instead of attempting to fit in with the  more "bovine" of the species whoes lives are ruled by $$$$,  instead of: Duty, Honor and Integrity..


I want to reply to this and address the "Meth" issue.  I grew up in the 60's so i have had a very extensive drug use history. However, I always avoided "meth" because of both the propaganda/stigma associated with it, and the low life "creatures" that flocked around my friends who got into it. These people were party animals and mostly snorted and smoked it.  A more out of control poster crew could hardly be imagined!  Needless to say, my prejudices were off the scale.

  However, once I started dating my current wife, who has a phD in neuroscience, she started pointing out behaviors in my life that were consistent with an ADD (non-hyperactive) diagnosis.  Being a scientist myself, I began to research the material and take a few of the tests.  The conclusions were inescapable that I had the disorder/disease.  My strategies for working around these problems, like inabilty to focus, disordered schedule, intermittent projects not finished, unable to remember what I was doing etc..  were complex and not always working.  As I got older, these problems just became worse. My investigations indicated that the problem stemmed from a lack of energy in the parietal lobes of the brain.

  So, based upon this I decided to try a stimulant.  The easiest to procure was of course methamphetamine which I purified and consumed 15 milligrams orally.  Well, the results were just short of amazing.  A grey cloud lifted from my personality and my intellect and I felt and finally realized what "normal" functioning people must feel.  I had no jitters, buzz or anything other than a smooth, focused, upbeat day, which allowed me to understand how people without this problem could accomplish as much as they did. I got about a week's worth of projects done in that day.  I had no problem sleeping and the effects persisted for 2 days afterwards, then I was back to baseline. 

  I then ran through the rest of the amphetamine group to see how they affected me. The straight amphetamine (benzedrine) was marginal at best with body load ( tension etc.) being uncomfortable. Adderall just made me irritable and not feel as well either, since there was appreciable body side effects from it.  I did not find it allowed me to focus as well either.  Clobenzorex, a diet pill from mexico that metabolizes into amphetamine and dexedrine, also had appreciable body load and side effects.

   So the conclusion was that desoxyn ( meth amphetamine) in an oral dose was the most effective and the least side effects and body load of any stimulants that I tried.  Given that the effects of desoxyn are a rapid release of dopamine and nor-epinepherine,  I decided to add Wellbutrin to my diet to ameliorate the low dopamine I had. It got me out of the cloud and into some focus, but does not provide the motivation that nor-epinepherine does.  When I take desoxyn, it does not have quite as an intense effect as it used to, due to the dopaminergic response already blocked by the Wellbutrin. However my drive and "get things done" does improve.

   A caveat here on all amphetamines especially desoxyn.  Most of the ecstasy studies done showing brain damage in primates were from injected (5x stronger) 800 milligram ( 80x more than 10mg) doses of methamphetamine. The principal researcher had to retract his study (ricuarte).  The damage is mostly caused by dopamine being oxidized into free radicals and those active molecules entering the nerve terminals and damaging them.  High doses of anti-oxidants are very important to take before, during and after your intake.

   Since the wellbutrin does such a good job at maintaining base line, i only use desoxyn about 2x a week orally, and only when I have a project that needs attention. I log every usage w/ date and amount so I have an objective record. The rather interesting thing re: addiction is, that I have no desire to abuse this. I imagine that when it substitutes for what should be going on, your responses are in fact normal, without the drive/urge that party users/abusers have.   This frequency of use enables me to avoid tolerance build up ( one of the fastest to do so) and still keep my life on track. Since the effects persist for 2 days for me, that is sufficient for me to feel that my life is tracking, while I continue to try and find non-pharmacological solutions to my situation.


I agree. I found the same thing. I may switch back to Adderall later because it isnt bad, however the Desoxyn is pure Dexadrine, well actually Methadrine. The sole difference being the meth stayes in the brain longer. Back in the day when our troops were fighting in Europe and the Pacific ths is more or less the same stuff.

Street speed is totally different but if you are not an addict and listen to your body I found one can tell what is what and how it effects you.. Tweakers suck!

I actually stopped taking everying. Alot of my depression was also centered around work issues. So I quit my job and I going back in the USMCR with a deployment date in several months to Iraq. My Dr's wrote me letters etc. however I was "squared away" to the fact that I did not have permission to be depressed in  the first place and right now Marines are needed.  hehe... so an office cubicle of 5years may have been a major contributing factor. I basically got my old job back as a "shooter". I was told if I need medications it will be issued. Actually the Marines is the only place I have EVER been treated fairly as an ADD person or whatever the hell I am.

If you're a "hyper type quick thinker" perhaps there is a place for us = )

"Fire in the hole!!"

I was on Adderall, regular release 2x20mg and then I topped off at 3x20mg.

Not bad stuff but sort of made me jittery and sarkastic. Whats up with that? I cancelled the medication saying that I was dissapointed. Trust me; not the only speed I have returned in my recent life. I am a snob!

I recently started on Desoxyn 2x5mg per day and love it! really smooth and focuses me in just fine. It wakes me up were the Adderall did nothing. I am actually at 3x5mg and may even ask to go to four because I seem to sleep well on it too. MMmmmm.... Sleeeep. Just got done sucking on one and getting nice and cozy for bed...

My thing works great too according to my lady = ) but I also workout alot.

Why do Dr.'s push Adderall? For me it was way to much L-isomer. Way to much!!. Cheep skates!!!  Is it populor just becuse it is NOT methamphetamine? I like the dex with the meth molocule because it is so smooth and remains in my brain longer.

I think over the years meth has gotten a vary bad rap. too  bad street folks blew it by pushing crap!!!!.

Mans greed, our ultimate undooing.....