
Hello all,

I did find a chat room for ADD.  However, everytime I have gone there, there is never anyone on there.  The website is and scroll down to Support Chat.  If you save that to your desk top it will automatically pop up to that when you click on it after that.  However, don't save it to your desktop until you are on the chat page.  I was noticing that they have a online-chat room for everyone on Monday evenings from 9:30 to 10.30 pm depending on your time zone.  They also have one just for women on Thursday Evenings for 9:30 to 10:30 pm

I haven't tried that yet though.


Hope that helps and have a great day!


ADD Consults has an adult chat on Mondays at 9:30 pm EST  and one for women on Thursdays at 9:30 pm EST

Hi I'm to new to this add.  Working on Strattera for about 2 months.  The best thing I can say about this is the calming effect that it has had on me.  I have struggled all my life not know what or why I was different or so I thougth from others.  To look at me you would not think so.  I am a master of deguises.  I started looking back in my past searching for answers or just plain trying to find myself, when several years ago while working as a Pharmacy Technician I noticed that I was filling quite a few RXs for older people like myself in the early 40s and 50s.  I began to realize that when we were young our learning disabilities didn't have a label on them as now.  I guess we were either slow learners or unrully kids and a parents spanked us alot.  Who knows??  Now we have a name for it--ADD or ADHAD.  So what, we can't even find the right Dr that is knowledgeable about it.  We or I am on this because I heard about stratterra through the media.  It took a long time for the dr to let me have this.  I am doing well on it I guess.  I have gone from 40 mgs to 60 mgs a day.  I read from others that they are taking 80 mgs inconjuntion with other anti-depressants.  I personally have not done well on anti-dep, which annoyed my Dr.  I hate everyone saying I'm depressed!  I feel it is more aggervation with life itself.  Maybe its the darn struggle that I have gone through in my 50 years here.  Yes, I have some good in my life but it doesn't out weigh the other situations.  I recently had a very bad experience with at Physciat sorry for the spelling.  I would like to find one who could really help me with this.  In reading I was told before selecting a Dr besure he can help with add.  They also encourage support groups.  Try to find one.  Well that's where I am at.  If you want to know some of the side effects I have had with is drug, I'll be happy to share with you.  That is the one reason that I began going to the web chat room.  Is there anyone out there like me?????Yes, I guess there's more of us out there than we realize.  Like I said the best thing for this drug it has enabled me to stop the using Xanax has much as I used to.  I guess I suffer the anxiety and didn't want to admit it.  I do get a little upset at my stomach at first but goes away with a little food.  The good thing it has kept me from eating when I am upset.  I really like that.  Have lost some weight as a result.  Food dosen't  calm me down.  Alot of people complain about waking up every couple of hours.  I am so use to that it doesn't bother me.  At night I sometimes take an over the counter sleep aid and do fall back on a Xanax to sleep.  I find that I start doing the things I use to enjoy doing that I haven't in the past.  I guess I use to feel what's the use.  Now I say who cares I am going to plant that pretty rose bush and if it doesn't live it'll be okay at at least I tried.  I can get that satifaction that I did actually do something.  Constipation is the worst for me.  I can't seem to go unless I use a suppoistory or laxiative.  I guess my eating habits have done that.  I do get very thirsty.  Need to drink more water.  So to end this the best is the calming effect.  It's great.  They say Concerta is much better.  Don't think my regular Dr will go for that.  I guess you need a Physciatist for that.  It's weird sharing ones thought with someone you don't know.  Hope I helped in someway.  I am in still searching and still haven't found the  peace I have searching for.  You're lucky if you are young and have discovered this now.  You have a better chance at making it through life with you're coworkers and spouse.  I feel being in my 50s robbed.  I have only so much quality time left and I am in a hurry to get where I want to be before it's lights out for me.

Well, I have an appoinment Tuesday at 6 with a counselor.  My fiance is going with me to share some of this observations.  Maybe I can get some insight abou this whole thing.  I really am tired of dealing with the anxiety and 100 mph thoughts.  I had a pretty good weekend as far as nothaving as much.  But usually during the week, I have a lot at work.  It really stinks.  I have so much trouble getting things DONE! 

After I talk with the counselor, I'll get a formal evaluation and then will move on to the next step.  Hopefully I will be able to solve this problem. 


I've been on here for a few weeks and am now just admitting this...whew....Looking back over my life, while trying to help my son with his Add, I saw it in myself...I remember getting yelled at because I couldn't figure numbers in math...adding, multiplication, etc...and the more I got yelled at for 'not thinking' I remember my brain shutting down...Sad to say, to this day, I need a calculator..I've always been hyper, not physically bouncing off walls, but in my head...a million thoughts, over and over, that seemed to breed new ones..I've always had trouble sleeping as well...Impulsive?  The story of my life...And as far as self-esteem, was always on the down side, I was never good enough, smart enough, pretty enough...Gosh, I remember even (like one mother mentioned on this forum) giving kids (we were like 10 or 11) my lunch money to like me....But also, in reading about the different types of Add, I am an 'over-focused' type...I tend to get very anal about stupid things....can't help it...I think to some degree we all have a part of this, but I also believe that when it effects or has affected your life, there is a problem...After my son was diagnosed, and I looked into it, I asked my doctor (who is his) to let me try some adderall...just 15mg...It works...I actually feel better, thought process is focused, as well as I just overall feel more confident in whatever I am doing...I would consult with your doctor about your feelings and if they still do not offer you to try it, then find a doctor who will 'hear' you...research it, and then present it to them....I hate having a zillion thoughts run through my head and feel anxious all the time....My life is totally "If I am not worried about something, something is wrong.." Altho, by the grace of God, I am getting better..."  I want to also add that I have "self medicated' for years...anyone wanna share about that?...SearchinMom38089.8540509259

Well, I had major problems with math too.  And when someone would try to show me how to do it, I'd be able to listen for a while and then would shut down and cry.  Then they would ask me where I was stuck and I couldn't figure out where I got stuck.  So I stayed bad at math all the way through highschool.  But what was odd was that I was very good at spelling and english and learning spanish.  I was nearly fluent.  But the bad math skill stayed until college.  Some how in college after having a wonderful tutor, things started to connect.  I was able to do calculus just fine.  Weird.  I also began to study chemistry and biology.  I ended up majoring in biology.  So I guess my brain rewired itself.  Now I still hate math.  I may have gotten better at it, I still hate it.  I teach science and love the fact that I use all of my degree for it. 

But what I struggle with is getting the paper work done.  I cannot sit and grade my papers.  I can talk all day about science, but can't grade a set of tests. And I know the kids get annoyed when they don't get their tests back in a decent amount of time.  Then the paper work piles up.  Then the anxiety builds when I try to go to bed at night.  Millions of thoughts run throughmy head.  I can't make them stop.  So I lose sleep.  It usually takes me about 30-45 minutes after I lay down and turn out the lights to go to sleep.  My fiance can fall asleep at the drop of a hat.  I can't.  I wish so much I could do it.  Sometimes a read at night to calm myself down.  Gets me to focus on ONE thing... the story.  So that sometimes helps. 

I have my appointment tomorrow at 6 so hopefully I can get this solution on the road. My wedding is in 3 months and I pray that I will have a handle on this.  I don't want to have too much anxiety that day! 

I haven't really had a problemwith depression or self esteem.  I sometimes wish that I was smarter, prettier, and skinnier, but in all I am happy.  I have my physical health, a job, a place to live, a wonderful man who supports me, and 125 kids who make me laugh everyday.  So things aren't bad.  When ever I am down, I just think that life could always be worse.  I could have a horrible disease, an abusive relationship, or have no job and be living with my parents.  So my life isn't bad.  I just have one hang up that I need to deal with.  It effects my everyday life, but I do have good days.  It goes through up and down cycles.  During the week I am more on edge and am exhausted at the end of the day.  On the weekends I am ok.  So it acts like waves.  Ever experience that? 

Well, Have a great week!


where is the answer to the chatroom question???



the only chat room I found was on yahoo for adult add.  No one there talks about add though and they are a tight knit group that does not seem to welcome strangers.  I guess we could start our own.  Or PM me if you want to chat I have aol, yahoo IM and MSN instant message.dixiepeep-
There is a chat room that i used last night.the site is
called 'a.d.h.d. support'. It is kind of new but the
people I talked to were very freindly.There is also a
message board there-I have been using both.(Why
do I feel like a traiter right now?)

It is so wonderful to know there are people like me out there. I always felt like I came from another planet. I used to say " Be patient with me ,I am not from this planet and I am still trying to figure all you perfect people out." I never fit in, I am still bad at math, in fact I am not book smart at all. I hated school! But I am smart in other ways. and I am very sensitive towards people and how they are feeling.   I just started Straterra six days ago. I am not sure of it yet. I get hives when I eat chocolate or drink alcohol, it even makes me sick.  My head gets kinda fuzzy and when more then one person talks to me at the same time I feel like I want to sit down and cry because my head can't take it. Is that a normal side effect. I am calmer and that is good, now I am not embarrassing my daughters. I have always been extremely sensitive with noise, I can't handle much at all. I think I would have been more relaxed if I had been born deaf.  My head is spinning right now, I will come back later.



Hi, I'm new and would like to talk to people about adult ADD.  Any advice would be great!

Yup, the Yahoo group stinks.  Those folks are cliquish, childish, and talking about everything on the planet but ADHD.  If there ARE any groups out there...please post!


Go to

the classic chat room section.

There is a room called "Attention Deficit Disorder". It is getting busier but there is still down time.
Often, if you just hang out alone there someone will see you and come in. I am usually there around 8:30 am on weekdays and Dawn is going to try to be there by 9.
If you have a time you can hang out there and want to try to schedule a regular chat, post it here or on the "Chat Anyone" post on the parents of children with ADHD board (or both).
This room is for both people with it and parents. We sometimes chat about ADD and sometimes talk about other things.
We call it our paradise island home. Come sit on the beach and enjoy the experience!
       Barb (Babs in chat) I wish I could find one too.  So far no luck.  Le t  us know if you find one.

holy do I work this thing

grrrrrrrr   this isn't like yahoo


Looking for chat rooms for adhd anyone know any good ones


I have also been looking for a similar site. I have just discovered that I have this illness. For many years, I just thaught I was crazy!!!! I want to speak to others who have gone through similar situations.There HAS to be some IRC channels out there with ADHD as the topic.... Yall pm me  if yall find  one  that will make  us  feel welcome.. I think it  would  be  great  just  to  sit  and  chat....If anyone finds a chat room for ADHD Let me know too. I could use someone to chat with .

It looks like there's a pretty big demand for an ADD/ADHD chat room, so why doesn't one of us start one and then post a reply in here how we all can find it?  I would, but  I'd go nuts trying to figure it out.  Lol

I set up an ADHD chatroom a while ago on my website  It doesn't get used much though - but feel free to try it.  It requires Flash (but everyone should already have it - if not the plug-in should download automatically).

Also, when logging into the chatroom do not enter a password - just pick a user name and leave the password field blank, otherwise it won't let you in.

visit and click the chatroom button - I've always found it best to announce chat times beforehand, otherwise you'll find it pretty lonely in there.

Mark -
Mark Goode38494.1616319444i think it is a great idea

Here are a few:

Yahoo also has one under health an wellness.


Ah, I miss Addconsults!  My Telus ISP banned it after it was decimated during the attack a couple days ago by the warrior virus.  Bastard hackers!  Can't go back there!  Miss it much - them and us here keep me sane.

Got a suggestion - does anyone want to try a netmeeting impromptu chat?  I have netmeeting somewhere on my system but never started it up.  I'm told you can put up to 2500 people on simultaneously!  Sounds like it's a cheap and easy way but you tell me.

Anyway it's sad how about half the forums I resided on are damaged or now gone.  I'll never understand the need to hurt people you don't even know.


- Glen

I have found chat rooms can become almost"Incestous" and i have a policy of using the message board medium as a general rule. If chat rooms are your thing then use them. Hey! we can all invade mark's place and take it over!!!!!!. The adhd revolution is being born.... I think that people with ADHD need to start a chat room.I would really like to talk to other people with my problem.If anyone is interested please leave a reply,and I will see how many returns I get.Then I will try to replay with a chat room I create

I've just been scanning all the old threads and found this one...

Did anyone ever come up with a good answer for this quesiton? I'm looking at some of the suggestions but it would be great if adhdnews (this site) had one so we could just click and chat with people who happen to be around.

Another thought...  a good friend of mine wanted me to register with friendster so we could blog and chat, etc. i resisted until i read their privacy policy and they say they won't sell, share or otherwise do anything with your email. In any case, when you register and add your friends it always says who's online at that time and you can chat with them. Or, you can set up a chatroom. Since you guys have been so cool (although in my adhd way, i always self-doubt and wonder when you will all get sick of me) sometimes i wish we could chat 'live' occasionally.


Hey 0, notice all the newbies? I'm overswamped with trying to just get a handle on one or two, but am losing it fast. Man overboard!!! See y''ll in the morning. Call me when I wake up.