add and ocd | ADHD Information

I have ADD and OC tendencies.  I don't know if it is considered OCD or not but its pretty close.  From what I've read ADD/OCD can be closely related and often go together.   What meds are you on?    Hey Midnight!

Yes, I have both. I have a variant of OCD- Pure O. I've had problems since I was a child. I'm now in my 30s. I was just diagnosed with ADD recently. I am on Zoloft 100 mg right now. Don't know where I'll end up with meds but the Zoloft is helping the OCD and the ADD a little. What are you taking?

Hobocathave ocd for 20 yrs. , just diagnosed with add, it all makes sense now. anyone else have ocd and add? I have identical twin sons age 26 who both have this. They were diagnosed with ADD in 1995, OCD last year. They are on meds that help, but both also have problems with depression.

ADD OCD is different from Classic OCD.  Both are dysfucntions in the area of the prefrontal cortex associated with the abilty to shift attention.   ADD/OCD is associated with multiple areas of the Cortex, while Classic OCD is associate only with the one single area.

Classic OCD involves a global perfectionism in every area of the persons life.  The person with OCD/ADD seems to be organised on the outside, but upon further investigation (look in his closet) you find surprising amount of disorder and disorganisation.  My livingroom is organised, but if you go in my room you'll do well to make it without tripping over the shoes, laundry, books that liter my floor.

The OCD/ADD combination may be the most tormented.  Part of his brain is obsessed with perfection, while other parts  are incapable of successfully balancing a checkbook. 

OpenYourEyes,  You described me exactly. 

This OCD/ADD realization/diagnosis is new to me.  Where do you go from here?


Hey....Open your eyes, the OCD/ADD is me in a nutshell. I'm very organized when it comes to keeping things in place in my house, but in my mind and with appts., bills,commitments, etc. I feel crazy and disorganized. It's like a constant battle inside my mind. One side wants me to be clean, perfect, and organized, and the other side can't handle it.Good Day!




ADD OCD is different from Classic OCD.  Both are dysfucntions in the area of the prefrontal cortex associated with the abilty to shift attention.   ADD/OCD is associated with multiple areas of the Cortex, while Classic OCD is associate only with the one single area.

Classic OCD involves a global perfectionism in every area of the persons life.  The person with OCD/ADD seems to be organised on the outside, but upon further investigation (look in his closet) you find surprising amount of disorder and disorganisation.  My livingroom is organised, but if you go in my room you'll do well to make it without tripping over the shoes, laundry, books that liter my floor.

The OCD/ADD combination may be the most tormented.  Part of his brain is obsessed with perfection, while other parts  are incapable of successfully balancing a checkbook. 


Oh dear!  It's me!

I have been teased about being a girlie version of  "MONK" (the TV character).  One of the causes of my disorganization is that I will literally sort safety pins into different sizes, leaving the dishes unwashed!  So perfectionism begats chaos. 

I will start to organize or clean etc and get side-tracked with some little sniggling job, like alphabetizing the CDs.

I also dislike crowds, being around strangers, being in confined spaces (especially if I can't see the exit) etc.  And I do things in uneven numbers (3's being my favorite). 



This is an interesting forum. I think I'm partly scared I could be in that boat too. But maybe it's just part of ADD after all? I mean a lot of people seemed to mention similar characteristics. I don't know, I just watched Aviator, with Leo DeCaprio. Good movie. . . Anyways, he did a good act of OCD and I saw quite a few relationships. :(


Oh my God!!! Me me me!!!

I am so like this too. I have all my little sewing bits and pieces organized - safety pins, straight pins, notions, etc are all sorted and stored into individual containers, my fabric in bags, my fabric scraps in another bag.... and everything is then just tossed in a corner on the floor.

My kitchen MUST be clean. Seeing dishes in the sink bothers me to no end. Seeing a spill on the counter bothers me. Seeing crumbs on the floor sends me into a mental frenzy. However, I often can't bring myself to clean it up. But when I do - it is done PERFECTLY. And if anyone comes behind me and makes the slightest mess again, I cringe. I often tell my boyfriend he is not allowed to use the bathroom for at least 3 hours after I'm done cleaning it, so that it can "stay clean" for at least a little while.

My desk at work is so clean that my co-workers joke that I have no work. It is clean for one reason only - my brain shuts down if it is demanded to do work in a messy environment. I can't function if my workspace is not perfectly neat and ordered (LOL - even then I can't always do my work). However, once I actually get into a project, it looks as thugh a grenade was set off. Then, when I am done, everything is put back into order as quickly as it was taken apart.

Does this qualify as ADD/OCD?
Phooey! I just finished typing a reply, and instead of closing "Emotions," I closed the internet.
I'll try again. I have ADHD and Tourettes, which is a form of OCD. I was in my 50s when I was finally dx'd for both. Anyway, even tho my home is chaos, I still need even the mess in a structured way. When I count coins before rolling them, I actually talk to them, putting certain ones with one another. Weird, huh?

And what must I look like when I'm trying to get those words out in a conversation from brain to mouth...umm, uh...and shaking/jerking my head and an arm jerks out, and my eyes are ing . Oh boy, what a sight.

I take a high dose of Paxil, which is also good for OCD, and it helps somewhat. But now that I'm on a stimulant for ADHD, which creates tics, I don't know what to do!

If any of you were dx'd with OCD and are on meds for it, may I ask which one(s)? Thanks.