anger and violence | ADHD Information


Small - My son used to be the same way.  Turned out he was not only on ADHD meds that didn't work but he was already also into drugs and alcohol.  When he was 14 I decided that the shrinks, therapists & drugs were never going to help so I dumped them all.  It was the best thing I ever did.  I would bet you money that your son has a biochemical imbalance.  Keep in mind it's not a CHEMICAL imbalance, as tv ads would have you believe.  They say it's "chemical" just to sell you some patented chemicals. 

Is there a LabCorp in your area?  If so, call them and ask a technician if he'll look in their catalog of tests for a urine test called "pyroluria" or "pyrroles in the urine."  This is a disorder that is affecting millions of people in this country but has been buried by the AMA and APA because there's no money in it.  The test costs .00 and will tell you in about 2 weeks whether or not your son has it. 

Aside from ADHD-like symptoms, there are two more symptoms that would strongly indicate pyroluria: 

1) white spots on his fingernails and/or

2) a dairy allergy.  Does he have dark circles under his eyes or did he get frequent ear infections, possibly requiring tubes to be put in?  Does he drink a lot of milk or eat a lot of cheese?  A dairy allergy is extremely common in pyroluria.

By the way, there are some websites with info on pyroluria such as    and 

Your doctor does not have even ONE objective test such as a blood, urine, or saliva test to prove his diagnosis is correct. I like the pyroluria test because it is completely objective - not just some theory or opinion.  I know what I'm talking about - please have your son tested!  There's about a one in three chance that he has it (I have it and so do both of my kids.)  There are other biochemical imbalances that cause ADHD too such as excess copper, pellagra, etc.  Dr. Pfeiffer who wrote "Mental and Elemental Nutrients" says there are 12 causes of mental disorders.  Pyroluria is one of them.

Please read my other posts for more info on pyroluria.  Also, you can go to and look up my posts there under nwlinda.

Good luck & feel free to email me privately if you want more info. I'm at

  LindaHas anyone had any experience with a 16 year old that has ADHD and Oppositional Difiant Disorder? He gets angry and the least little thing that doesn't go his way. Defies all authority. When he gets angry he threatens to hurt people. If he gets upset with his 12 year old brother he attacks him. He is on aderal and seeing a therapist, but he lies to the therapist telling her he is not having anger outbursts. We are at our last straw. HELP!I am actually the grandmother of the 16 yr old with ADHD and ODD. I was mistaken. He is not on aderal. He is on Trileptal

I had tryed adderall with my son, who at the time was only 7. He had horrible side effects the entire time he was on it. He went from being hyper with no meds to taking adderall and becoming violent. It got so bad to were we thought he was going to kill himself, and he was only 7 yrs old. As soon as i took him off of adderall he wasent violent anymore just hyper. The doc. said he didnt understand, that hes never heard of a kid reacting that way with adderall. Ive also tryed my son on concerta. With concerta it was like someone had given him cocaine. He was so wired bouncing all over the place, couldnt sit still, he was like a tornado. The doc said the same thing, i dont understand. then there was the concerta zoloft comb. That was a joke, my son turned into a zombie. On thanksgiving he sat under the kitchen table, wasent upset, he just didnt want to be by anyone. I said forget it and took him off of it all!! either way, with meds or with out meds, my sons adhd didnt get better, with meds it became worse. They say the medication works, yes maby it dose for some kids, i no my son had a reverse reaction to the meds. instead of helping him he got worse. I offten wonder if their are other disorders out their that have the same symptoms of adhd and they are miss diagnosing our kids. But what im trying to say is maby the adderall is causing your son to be violent. In my sons case it was!!


what is the treatment for pyroluria?  what medicine does your son use, if any?



I offten wonder if their are other disorders out their that have the same symptoms of adhd and they are miss diagnosing our kids. But what im trying to say is maby the adderall is causing your son to be violent. In my sons case it was!!

Hi Dexx759..there are indeed other disorders that mimic ADHD and one of them is bipolar disorder. When a child with bipolar disorder is given stimulant medications, it can severly aggitate the child and many times the child can have adhd and bipolar disorder or sometimes the child is misdiagnosed with adhd. What usually causes the child to be violent is not the medication but rather there are other things going on besides adhd Stimulant meds can indeed trigger a violent reaction in a child that also may have bipolar disorder. Also, if your child  was experiencing a zombie lik effect on stimulant meds, if hes truly just adhd, then that means the dose was too high. When a child starts simulant medication for adhd, they go through a trial of meds in order to determine the right med and the rightdose for that child as every child responds differently. Hope this helps

I don't understand the poll at the top of this thread at all.

The question is:  How to handle 16 yr olds violent anger.

The choices of answer are: 
  -- Difiant anger
  -- violence

Of course, I don't think either one of those is a good way to
respond to someone else's anger!

For some suggestions that might help:  see my article about
Warwick Dyer on my parenting page;  also the books
"The Explosive Child" and "Small Criminals Among Us"
 by different  authors.
Also "Parent Effectiveness Training" by Thomas Gordon.
my web page is

Kppy - I find this forum very hard to navigate so would you please email me with questions?  It's  My son is not on any medications for his pyroluria.  Pyroluria is a biochemical imbalance which requires bio-chemicals.  In other words, natural chemicals, not the patented, synthetic junk that doctors try to convince you to take.  The best thing to do is have the urine test done to find out if he even has it.  The treatment for it is generally B6, zinc, B100, and sometimes manganese.  I've written a book about my family's experience with a so-called "ADHD" son and my other son with so-called "uni-polar bipolar".  What crap.  They both have pyroluria; they have both been treated for it; they are both well and not on any drug. The book is being published by Acorn Publishing and will be out within a couple of weeks.  The title is:  Solving the Mystery of ADHD - Naturally.  HOpe to hear from you - Linda Santini