Strattera with Ritalin? | ADHD Information

Has anyone used a combination of Strattera and Ritalin (or other stimulants)? How has that worked for you? My 7 year old son takes Strattera before bed (tried to give during the day and it makes him way too tired and sometimes sick to stomach). Heard the Ritalin may help throughout the day. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

No, but have you heard of it being prescribed anywhere? I personally thought that would be a good combo. They have different modes of action, where Rytalin stimulates the production of norepi, and strattera inhibits the metabolism of norepi. Should be a one two punch. Let me know if it works out. I'd be curious to try. My Dalk's pairing my Ritalyn LA with some ADACtive anti-Ds, such as Provac, Effexor, Serzone (all have struken out) and now teasing me with Cymbalta. Seems to be pretty good, as I've cut bakc on the anti-Ds, and actually may be able to cut bvack on the Ryt. Don't tell him, though, as I like puttin' on d' Ritz in high stress periods.


     Our daughter (10) was taking Adderall XR and was doing great but having problems sleeping.  The doc decided to switch her to Strattera.  While it did help with the insomnia it and did great for the hyperness, it did nothing for inatentiveness.  While she could sit still in school and not climb on her desk, she couldn't concentrate on her work. After a month we talked to the doc and she suggested a combo of both Adderall and Strattera.  I was a bit leary at first having her on both those meds, but it has worked great.  She is on a low enough dose of Adderall that it doesn't interfere with sleep but is just enough to tweak that concentration, and the Strattera helps with the hyperness.  So far there are not adverse side affects. 

[QUOTE=kmgnavy] Has anyone used a combination of Strattera and Ritalin (or other stimulants)? How has that worked for you? My 7 year old son takes Strattera before bed (tried to give during the day and it makes him way too tired and sometimes sick to stomach). Heard the Ritalin may help throughout the day. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


The best combination is amphetamines for daytime and barbituates at night. If either is not available, heroin is always a good alternative. That will affect their behavior every time.




   Strattera is more like an antidepressant.

   If he's tired on it and sometimes getting sick.... he's not handling it well.

   Strattera also has a warning about INCREASING SUICIDAL THOUGHTS IN CHILDREN.

   I suggest getting off it.

very interesting thought. I can't seem to find any info. I would be interested in what you find out.I did dexedrine and stratterra.  I didn't like the way stratterra felt even with the extra help from the dex.  Maybe Ritalin might work better.  I know they are trying combos of many kinds - you'd have to consult a psychiatrist or MD who deals with ADHD often to find out.  They can check the medical database I'd bet if they are savvy.I suggest you take it, unreal, and stay away from anti-Ds
Hey, I appreciate all the comments. Haven't had any movement on the issue of Strattera and Ritalin but will discuss it with my child's ped. soon at his 8 year checkup. Strattera alone has given my son less anxiety and he seems more like himself so, at least at this point in time, I don't view it as having an antidepressant effect on him. Again I am grateful for the feedback but could we please try to refrain from using terms such as suicidial thoughts (in caps no less!). Let's respect that everyone has different experiences with their children and medications and leave it at that!


   Would you rather not know that these drugs could kill your child ?



   Would you rather not know that these drugs could kill your child ?



 I would rather you just SHUT UP.


 your like a two yr old.. wahh wahh mommie, wahh wahh. same cry all the time.

 Over and over.

 We have told you, BEGONE, SHOO FLY. GET LOST.

 I am positive your ADHD NOW. You can't stop. And this is your way of denial.


I have been taking Strattera.  I was alerted to the side effects by my doctor.  When I looked in to the probabilty of liver problems it was less than the probability of me getting squashed by an astroid (Really!  I'm not making that up!).  I don't know if Strattera is helping me enough however.  I see my doctor on Monday and want to ask about adding a stimulant as well.  I do like the calming effect Strattera has.  I don't suffer from depression and have not experienced any mood changes that someone should on an antidepressant.  My doctor told me that the anti depressant effects of Strattera where not significant.  I was worried about "messing" with anything that was an antidepressant since I have a pretty happy life.  So far no mood changes.  I'll keep you posted however.

It is a bit extreme to say that Strattera will cause death.  So far Strattera has not caused death in anyone who has or is taking the drug.  The drug cannot kill your child.  I guess it's good to get input from all sides though. 

I think Reality is attempting to interject some thought on the subject.  That's okay.  Just be very subjective with any information given about drugs I guess?  I know I come in here for advise.

sparco, don't kid yourself, this idiot has been doing this for months with different id's and the same technique. He is no more concerned about meds than I am of a dead fly on the sidewalk. He is just a 12 yr old troll. Hey!  Don't let our "real" threads get lost in all the arguements!!  I've noticed they get knocked down to the bottom of the list!!Yes, the real threads get hijacked and then were left with crap from idiots .

 I wonder if they bomb abortion clinics as well. I bet they do.
    Just wanted to keep this thread on top.  Hello all!!!Bounce I would be leery of a stimulant and an antidepressant, and Straterra is an antidepressant. If there is any predisposition to a mood disorder, this combo could really cause a child to go over-the-wall manic. Straterra's side effects can include moodiness  I have not noticed any antidepressant  properties on Strattera.  Doc told me they are very mild at best.  I was already happy so I don't know if the drug would have/did have any effect.  I have come to find out that you can take a stimulant but not at at full strengh.  I will tell you more after my doc appointment.  Thanks for the replies so far guys!My son was on 40mg of Strattera and 2 5mg of ritalin, the Strattera at night and then in the am 5mg and 2:30 5mg, that seemed to work out just great for him, but I wanted to get away from the Strattera due to the fact I tried the Ritalin without the strattera for a few weeks and saw no difference, but now I see the am is before his am dose of ritalin he is off the wall. So maybe he does need the Strattera
Hope this helps