Organization Support | ADHD Information

I agree with super t about finding another dr, I've
been on Ritalin for a year and a half{10 mg} and I'll
be walking down to the basement and think "what
am going down here for" and all of a sudden the
thought pops into my head of what is was. Without
the ritalin I would have to go do something else
before I would remember.
I also take Lexapro for anxiety, I think that has helped
my depression a lot. As far as self-esteem, I'm still
trying to figure out what that is.
Crazy, off the wall humor, it's become a bad habit
and I have to tell myself "no one is going to
understand this, so can it". It doesn't always work
out that way but I keep working on it.

super t > I like your grr en type, but it's hard to read.         & nbsp;   david's mom you have a soul counterpart - me!

I can relate to everything you said. Though I don't experience what you are experiencing now, I can say with all honesty "been there, done that." I agree with the preceding posts regarding seeing another doc. Having another set of eyes might be the answer to getting you on something that actually will benefit your situation.

bluebird38, I LOVE YOUR IDEA of a support board. How can we get it formally launched?

However the support idea is presented through helpful tips, net sites, what have you, it could only be a welcome resource (you go Woman!!) . Organizational issues is a stickler for me, as I tend to be doing too many things at one time, and "it shows." Like modern day Hansel and Gretel, you can see my work-in progress projects whereever I've been. I've raised the question to my counselor(s) in the past about the varied organizational programs out there, but the difficulty for me is that though I get it academically, application is another matter.

Perhaps with the array of suggestions that result from this newfound "support" thread I can test drive whatever and see what result occur. Otherwise, I confess, I am at a loss in my own disarray of attempting to array myself.

edieb-You hit the nail on the head with the difference between learning and applying.  That is the same for me.  I have started a reward chart for myself as motivation.  I am saving up for a 50 gallon fish tank, so I put a dollar or two away after I meet a goal. 

It is still an issue of maintaining,tho.  We had a motivational training at work and the guy said that you have to admit to yourself that "yes, you are going to mess up.  But at midnight, this day is over and we get a new day to start all over."  I have started saying that to myself in the morning.  "Yesterday is over and today is a new day."  It helps me!  Also, I say to myself, "Today, I am not going to let my ADHD control me."  It works when I remember to say it!

It is great to know that I have a place to come to and speak my mind, vent my frustrations, etc., and know that you all understand exactly what I am talking about.  Non-ADD/HD people around me try to understand, but there are limits!

So, thanks for listening.




Terrie inspired me to start a new thread. There are probably some old ones that I could search on, but how about if we start fresh? How about if we make a support thread?  All aboard!

Terrie said that she cleans and puts things away because if she doesn't she doesn't feel like she can get anything else done. (Hope I summarized that well, Terrie). Thing is, it sounds like Terrie ACTUALLY follows through.

I feel the same way she does, but I have a hard time actually picking things up, cleaning, etc. I just don't do it, it gets in the way of other things (bugs me), and then I just sit there looking at it and not doing anything about it.

Ok, last night, I DID MY DISHES BEFORE I WENT TO BED!  <taking a bow> And, this morning, I did them as soon as I finished cooking.  And, I will wash my dish that I just finished eating off of. <exhale> I have been doing this for about 1 week now. Yay for me.  :D  It feels like I have a housecleaner. I don't  know WHY I make such a big deal about's NOT that hard! 

Ok, so here's my new thing...I'm going to try to tackle something new everyday...something ugly, like the wire mess I have going on behind my computer. Just a wire a day. 

Today, I took out my overflowing recycling crap out to the outside bins. YES!

I just think if I could get a handle on all the mundane, I could actually get to my life's goal stuff...the GOOD stuff.


david's mom, I have taken Welbutrin for ADHD for years and it has very little affect on my focus. If there is any effect, I assume it is only because it removes the depression and some of the stress behavior, allowing me to focus on something other than them.

If I were a nurse, I would definitely want something to take care of focus. You have serious responsibilities which require good attention to detail.

I agree with super t. You should find another dr.

        I asked a psychiatrist about the possibility of being ADHD. He said since I was on Wellbutrin that there was nothing else to put me on. I feel like he thought I was "drug-seeking". I can either hyper focus or not focus at all. It is mentally exhausting. I am 49, have had 2 ADHD children and 1 ADD child. My 1/2 sister, her son and grandson have been diagnosed. My brother has adult ADHD, his son has it also. I have heard that there are advantages to having ADHD employees...what are they? I feel like a freak. Few people understand my off the wall sense of humor. I embarrass myself all the time by the things I blurt out. I won't allow anyone to visit me because my house is such a mess. I haven't done my 2002, 2003, 2004 taxes yet. I walk from one room to another, forget what I went in there to do. I have conversations that I can't recall until some sort of "key" turns and I have total recall. I feel like a liar at times because I do not recall things, that I am later able to recall. Start to clean the kitchen, go to another room to look for coffee cups, see something that needs to be done in there, go to the bathroom to pee and forget I was cleaning at all....etc. If it weren't for the fact that I've had these problems-including time management- all my life I would be afraid that I would have Alzheimer's. I am getting worse as I get older. I used to be able to make and stick to a strict budget. I just can't do it anymore. My self esteem is just plain shot because I have no feeling of control anymore. Any suggestions? I feel like a freak, like I don't function on the same plain as normal people. They give me such strange looks sometimes. By the way I am a nurse. Also, I take Prozac now. So, be afraid, be very afraid... Any suggestions?



Organization is one of my biggest struggles too!  One thing that I have done that has helped is to make a chore chart for myself.  I include everything from walking my dog to taking my medicine on it.  I put it on my fridge and then highlight things when I am done with them.  I am a visual person and I like seeing all the colors. 

Now, this doesn't mean I very timely about my chores!  I too tend to do dishes late at night as well as a few other things. 

Another thing I have started doing, which makes things easier the next day, is to tidy up before I go to bed.  It feels so good to get up in the morning and see the nice and clean living room and kitchen.  My room, that is another story.  I am happy if the main rooms are clean! 

At work, as a teacher, it is a CONSTANT battle to keep up with the 500 things that bombard me a week.  Anyone have any suggestions??

super t,

this list is such a good idea! so good, in fact, that i have lists about lists, and i can't seem to locate a-freaking-one-of-them.

actually, when i was on a roll, i laminated my daily list and would use a write-on, wipe-off marker to cross items off during the day. then, i would wipe the list clean at the end of the day. hmmm...think i'll start that again.

so far, so good. have been keeping up with my dishes. my mom is shocked. yah, it feels so amazing when i wake up the next day and don't dread getting out of bed b/c i don't feel like i have to invent things to eat on b/c their isn't a clean dish in the house.

also, i've been exercising again since i have a clean spot on the floor now (been picking up my clothes too!)

i bought a book called "the personal efficiency program" - i'll let you know if i come across any good ideas.

also, i now use "copernic desktop search' tool (very inexpensive, can be downloaded online) to search for files and emails on my computer. very cool tool.


David's mom,

My first suggestion is that you find a different doctor-one that will actually listen to you!  You listed many of the signs/symptoms of ADD/HD.  Being undiagnosed can be very frustrating.  I did not get diagnosed til I was 37.  I felt so happy because finally there was a reason for why I do what I do. 

Wellbrutrin is not even a medication for attention!  In my research, I have learned about how many times ADD/HD is misdiagnosed as depression.  Sometimes, such as in my case, they go hand in hand.  I am on Strattera for the ADHD and Lexapro for depression.  A good website for info on this type of thing is They have done a lot of research on how ADD/HD coexists with other types of things like anxiety or depression.  Also, a very good book that I read when I first learned about my diagnosis was You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?  That book really opened my eyes.  It also gives suggestions to help. 

There are a lot of good things about being ADHD.  I am very creative.  I think of things that others don't.  Hyperfocusing can be a good thing.  Each year I have a different theme in my classroom.  I am the only one who does it in my school.  So each year I remake a lot of my general bulletin boards to fit my theme.  There are tons of reasons why a diagnoses is a blessing not a curse.  Many important people in history are believed to be because of the behavior they exhibited-like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison.  Look at all the wonderful things they invented!

I hope this helps.  Seriously, try to find another doctor who will listen to you.

Good luck!



I agree.  One of my biggest distractions is visual chaos.  I can not function if things are messy.  The problem is I am not the best at putting things away if I am hyper focused on something, or if I am day dreaming.  I am also trying to ween myself off Strattera because it makes me feel sick when I dont take it. (which is something that scares me a little - what is this stuff doing to my body???)  Anyway, I much rather be on an actual stimulant that leaves your body in a short period of time or try to exersize on a regular basis.  Anyway, my head feels messy right now and I can't sleep.  All my distractions from my day are still swimming around. What about a mental cleaning -up? We can learn to put away things in our heads before go to bed at night.  Anyone know how to do that without alcohol or meds???