Fictional Characters with ADHD | ADHD Information

I've heard it said that Christopher Robin is LD, but in reality he sounds more like a schizophrenic.

It's his friends that exhibit all variations of AD.

Tiggrr: need I say more? Classic ADHD.

Rabbit: Hyperfocussed AD.

Pooh: Inattentive, Impulsive ADD.

Piglet: A figlet of Anxiety type AD.

Owl: Daydreamer, Megalomaniac AD.

Donkey: Depressive ADD.

Somebody posted a website a/b these characters and AD/HD.

[QUOTE=GarbagePailKid]Ramona Quimby [/QUOTE]


I LOVED those books in grade school!  They were right up there with my Judy Blume books.

Hey melly, ESPECIALLY that time when she cracked the raw egg on her head in the school caf, sigh, she always has a special place in my heart. Awww, isn't the perfect child heroine a combination of Ramona Quimby and Hermione Granger?!?! Anyway, kid fiction rocks.

Ever read Sideways stories from wayside school???
aahhh!!!  GarbagePailKid!!!  i LOVED those!!!  great name!!

Davidornado - I was just going to say something about the whole hundred acre woods gang being ADD, but you beat me to it.

I'd say Alice in Wonderland might have Inattentive ADD, (can't focus on her studies and drifts off into an elaborate daydream).

It's kind of funny how many characters from classic children's books have psychological problems . . . 

No Wonder I LOVED the Ramona Quimby books (Beverly Cleary)!!

Curious George seems a good candidate for ADHD, Eloise, too!

[QUOTE=boredomkills]Davidornado - I was just going to say something about the whole hundred acre woods gang being ADD, but you beat me to it.

I'd say Alice in Wonderland might have Inattentive ADD, (can't focus on her studies and drifts off into an elaborate daydream).

It's kind of funny how many characters from classic children's books have psychological problems . . .[/QUOTE]
1. Soooorrrry! I knew that one would go fast, but I was shocked it hadn't by the time I got there. Here. Wherever!

2. I think Alice had LSD type ADD.

3. I think the "funny... characters" are a reflection of the "funny type ADD" of their authors...

OH dori, she made the film, she really did. I'm I suppossed to relate to a hyper fish with a two secound memory? Huckleberry Finn definitely was ADHD. 

The White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland - always Late, lost, changing the subject, rushing off, etc.

Dori from Finding Nemo.  I love her!  I laughed so hard the first time I saw that movie - I could SO RELATE!

[QUOTE=autumnstar]The White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland - always Late, lost, changing the subject, rushing off, etc.

Dori from Finding Nemo.  I love her!  I laughed so hard the first time I saw that movie - I could SO RELATE!

[/QUOTE]P. Sherman, 44 Wallaby Way, Sydney

Dark Angel,

In High School, I had a 2 second memory.  My memory is a little better than that now but it still cracked me up to watch her.  "I wish I could speak Whale"


there is a book called 'oblomov' by a russian 'goncharev' or sometimes
goncharov written ages ago in the late 19th century i think.... just before
the fall of the tsars i guess.

i don't know whether it is add/adhd but it is similar - he spends the
entire book in bed pretty much until one day he gets up and by chance
meets this girl and falls in love and this brings him right out of his
'illness' but at the end he is back in the bed - unable to do anything

oblomovism - became a catch-word in russian for that type of 'laziness'/
inability to do anything after the book came out. perhaps they were the
first to diagnose add/adhd????Innatentive type, maybe...

I'm classy fried anti-oblomovich...

But I DUE like the falling in love with a woman part...

I could use some of that...


Bridget Jones

Ooh, Ooh!

I got one!


Posted by ADviHDornor1 on 8/27/2005, 77KB
Outstanding in his field



Bridget Jones


Too funny--my friend actually CALLED me Bridget Jones!
Belle's father, in Beauty and the Beast (the Disney version).Pippy Longstocking

That little bipolar uplifted red ex up there in its depression was a cool pic of the wizz, but he got depressed and left. Said something a/b clkickng his red heals together...Davidornado38611.7019444444

The wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful wizzard of oz,

The wonderful things about wizzards, is that wizzards are wonderful things!

You're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
You'll find he is a Whiz of a Wiz if ever a Wiz there was
If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was the Wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does
You're off the see the wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz

(b/c of his AD/HD)

the naughtiest girl in school by enid blyton


           This is a satirical article from five Canadian psychologists entitled "Pathology in th Hundrd Acre Wood".

                            Pooh turns out to suffer from ADHD, binge eating, and bordrline cognitiv functioning.

                             Rabbit fits the profile of narcissistic prsonality syndrome.

                            Owl is dsyslexic.

                            Piglet displays classic systoms of gnralizd anxity.

                            yor has low self-esteem and an inability to to enjoy himself,

                            a condition known as anhdonia-which the authors refer to

                            as, anhe{haw}donia.

                             I found this in "One Nation Undr Therapy" by C. Sommers

                            and S. Satl.  I haven't read very much of it yet, but thought

                            this was interesting.  



                 Sorry for th missing "e"s.  My laptop is not rsponding to all 'e'     

                funtions, and also posts replys right aftr I previw them and bfor

                I can correct thm.

Ooh, that's interesting, Pilgrim. I heard that there's one for The Peanuts too. Someone suggested that Snoopy is ADHD, but I'd need to hear reasons. I woldn't have thought of him as ADHD, but maybe just need to hear some arguments. and there is a book too - called the tao of pooh (dao - sometimes).
which looks at it in a different light pointing out how winnie is in fact a
very gentle, humanist, daoist positive role model so i guess it just
depends where you are coming from...

of course, pooh doesn't add up to much in a hard-nosed capitalistic
megalomaniacal society but other people/places might be able to
appreciate him??????lol, good point chjones.

i appreciate being around kind and gentle types.

though, when i'm in my efficient mode, i really appeciate perfectionistic types.

So...maybe it really DOES take all types?

l'l, yu dn't want me t tell wh I thught p**h was...

Srry, I liked Pilgrim's Prgrss n leaving ut the 'e's.

lilo... as in "lilo and stich"

[QUOTE=GarbagePailKid]Ramona Quimby [/QUOTE]


I LOVED those books in grade school!  They were right up there with my Judy Blume books.

Wasn't sure who Ramona Quimby was, but I found this...yup, sounds like it.

Ramona Quimby -- an energetic third grader with her own unique way of looking at things; Beezus’ younger sister, who has a knack for getting into trouble and, according to Beezus, being a “pest” (someone who bothers everyone).

This just came to me in the car this morning:

If any fictional character ever had ADHD, it has to be (Mr) Toad, from Kenneth Grahame’s Wind in the Willows. Constantly changing interests, excitable, never seeing projects through, fascination with cars and travel, poor financial planning… he’s almost textbook!

Anyone think of any others?

Bart and Homer Simpson... classic!!

Bart is intelligent but an underachiever, there is even an episode where they had him taking "focus in" ---

Home just doesnt pay attention, has problem with alcohol ( comorbity?) and only thinks about himself.


Amelia Bedelia

Dean Moriarty in 'On the Road" by Jack Keroac. (Notice he's ALWAYS the one driving and that he's very good at it. His relationships are total disasters.)

If you haven't seen it, rent "Haiku Tunnel." The guy is a poster man for ADHD. He won't take permanent jobs, he gets a job as a temp and cannot for the life of him accomplish the simple task of mailing a set of letters throughout the entire movie; it becomes this ENORMOUS task that practically ruins him--he even spills coffee on the letters and everything.  He has the HARDEST time getting out of bed (he lives at home still, I think). Whoever wrote this movie IS ADHD. His boss even says, "Settle down, go out there, and FOCUS."

Jack Black in "School of Rock."

Jack Black in "Envy."
bluebird3838599.2050231481Ramona Quimby