pressured speech do you have it? | ADHD Information


LOL, I have never heard of that "pressured speach" - but I have been told plenty of times that I ramble!

In fact I have had my husband bet me before that I could not keep still five minutes and not talk about my favorite subject. - unfortunately he won his bet.

And also when talking to others, I have had people stop me and make me repeat what I was saying because it was like I was trying to convey a books worth of info at once, I have been told I am good at over kill mode!

Yes I am bi-polar, when I get excited I do talk louder! I pitch my voice alot if I think that it is nessasary to keep someone following me.


You know, my son, who's 12 and is dx as adhd talks INCESSANTLY! There are times when I just have to shut him up, cause he will go on, and on, and on! It's like reading a book with NO PUNCTUATION!!!!!!! It physically wears me out to hear him talk sometimes, and I try to emphasize that more people will be interrested in WHAT he has to say if he wasn't ALWAYS saying something, but it doesn't help. It's particularly bad with him and my husband, his step father, as he gets so excited to see him at the end of the day and wants to share everything with him and tell him all this stuff and it's like he just can't get the words out fast enough! My poor husband, he doesn't wanna crush his spirit, but his eyes start spinning just listening to my son talk!

I've never heard the phrase "pressured speech", I guess you learn something new every day!

My 3 tear old, now he isn't quite as bad, but I have noticed that when he's excited that it's like he forgets the words...and he'll actually say to me, "Mommy! I can't talk right!"....I wonder if that plays into all this somehow....


 pressured speach? My sister always says my nephew and I are so alike that she would wonder if he was really mine if she hadn't been there for his birth! Why? Because you can't shut either one of us up!  He drives me NUTS because I can't get him to shut up long enough for me to get a word in edgewise and since I'm the elder, I am always the one who has to try to listen instead of talk! It takes great fortitude on my part but sometimes I partially succeed!

Then again, there are times when I am in an ADD fog and its hard for me to put enough words together to form a coherent sentence. Unfortunately, that doesn't always stop me from talking, just from making sense!  

i'm glad i'm not the only one!!!!

you can see my pressured speech thing coming on in these posts too! if i have a long post you can bet it was a steady super fast stream of typing just like if i was talking....


Oh like having problem with racing thoughts my conversations are the same, I go in circles... jump subjects in a second and loose others. My DH is starting to get use to me, but still will stop me and ask me what one subject had to do with the other - why I felt I had to switch gears, I just ramble the connection that reminded me of the one to the other then pick back up and go again.

I have one good friend, mentor that has been teaching me handwriting analysis, and she is always a good listener, even though she is not ADD she can usually follow me, and is always looking like she is stuck in thinking mode, but once she talks I know she had no problem with my conversations.

Unfortunately I only know of one other person that can jump more subjects then me and that is my boss, but I don't think he is ADD, I think it is scary how many things he can remember and bring up though! It is faster change of pace then I can keep up with... just totally floors me every time when he is around. Like within a space of 5 minutes he can give me about 20 things he wants me to do.

Like we have 500 customers, and maybe 50 issues that can come about with any given customer, so he will just start saying ok, you have to call this company to push sales for this product, you need to mail contracts to this company, turn on credit scoring for this one. Oh and another one called they need their passwords reset, and this one needs their internet papers sent in, or this one called and wants help updating data... on and on and on... just throws me for a loop keeping up. He is like a tornado in my world, causing a mess of my world and just as fast as he shows up he is gone, to just sit in the disaster zone trying to find my bearing again.

Least when I jump subjects I am following a line, but he just chops everything up all the time, oh.


I a very talkative person and LOTS of people consider me a 'motormouth'--now and I heard that a trillion times form differnet people from family to strangers when I was a child.  I heard it so much growing up that my true nickname became I guess its possible....I have to concentrate and MAKE myself shut up somtimes though. 

I am not bipolor either--been 'tested' and my MD says no way...bipolar ppl show severe red flags--


just wanted to know if any of you had pressured speech although its considered a symptom of bipolar. i have it but i am not bipolar. i talk like this sometimes when i am excited. whether angry or just debating. my doc calls it pressured speech.  

Pressured speech is a hallmark symptom of mania or hypomania in bipolar disorder (manic depression). In the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV (DSM IV), pressured speech is used in combination with several other symptoms to confirm a diagnosis of bipolar disorder

Dr. Jacob L. Driesen defines pressured speech as "rapid, virtually nonstop, often loud and emphatic, seemingly driven, and usually hard to interrupt. It typically occurs in mania and in some drug-induced states and in severe anxiety states." In her book Bipolar Disorders, Mitzi Waltz uses the phrase "motormouth" to describe pressured speech.